Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Wind Around the Tower

I have been able to watch some tv the last few days, so I decided to watch the Murder, She Wrote episodes set in Ireland. They are great. I don't think they were actually filmed on the Emerald Isle, but I'm sure some "authentic" stock footage was used. These episodes are great not only for the setting, but because of the references to Miss Lansbury's own Irish heritage. Many of her family names are incorporated into the characters and dialog.  I guess my favorite of these episodes is "The Wind Around the Tower." It is from season 9. It has some truly eerie moments, but not too scary. I love this program--typically, the earlier seasons. The Irish episodes occur later on, "A Killing in Cork," "The Wond Around the Tower," "Another Killing in Cork," and a two-parter in the final season, "Nan's Ghost."  Do you have a favorite episode?

1 comment:

  1. I remember mom being a faithful fan. Along with Matlock.
