Sunday, October 21, 2012

Granny Squares




Oh my goodness. I am having so much fun with this afghan. I don't know that it will ever be finished, but I love working on it. I don't have as many different colors as you might think (there are a lot, but not as many as it would seem). Just changing the combinations makes the most of the skeins I do have. I love it. I only have about 85 more to go! Which "season" is your favorite?


  1. I'm jealous! I can't see a button.

    They are beautiful. My most treasured gifts are afghans folks have made for me.

    I like winter.

    I like them all.

  2. Oh, thank you. Yes, there is something indescribably special about a homemade gift. A dear lady at our church made one for our daughter that is so beautiful. Do you crochet, B?

  3. Me crochet? If it involves needles in any way, shape or form, it evolves into a disaster or unfinished project.

    I enjoy the work of others and may be envious of their talent for about five minutes.
