Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I just read a post written by Diane; she is one of  our daughter's teachers at the Homeschool co-op.  She is  a homeschooling mom very dedicated to nurturing her daughter's strengths and interests as she goes through the learning process. Diane's post put into words some thoughts I have had but was unable to express the way I wanted.  Our children's education is to prepare them for life, and to help them find their unique gifts. Most importantly, our time at home should draw us closer together and closer to the Lord. We are not competing for awards or accolades from the world.

When we first began homeschooling about 9 years ago, my husband and I worried about getting them prepared for College. As we went along, I became more and more aware of why we had taken them out of the public schools, and I came to the conclusion that if the kids came away knowing how to write their names, I would be pleased! No doubt, that sounds extreme to many on both sides of the issue. Certainly, I want them to love learning, to love reading and to possess life skills.  But those things fall into place--I have seen it with our kids, and I know Diane has as well. Homeschooling has protected their tender hearts and nurtured their individuality and personal strengths.

I disagree with the adage promoted a few years back, "It takes a village to raise a child." No, it takes a family.  Our children have been blessed by others, notably at Church, at the College where we teach and at the Homeschool Co-op, but the onus of the raising comes back to my husband and me.

Thanks to Diane for saying this so much better; check out her blog post at

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the sweet encouraging words.
