Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Music in Our Home and Other Thoughts

This has been a busy week at our house, and promises to be even more so as the week goes on. I am trying to get everyone's room cleaned up before school starts.  My goal is to have the rooms not only clean, but arranged in such a way so that they can be easily maintained.  There really is something to the old adage, "A place for everything and everything in its place."

Making my tasks a bit easier has been the melodious sounds of the children playing the piano. Our oldest DS was asked to assume the role of leading the music on the Sunday evening services. He can practice with the others playing the songs on the piano. DD has also been playing her guitar--that is lovely also.

We have Church tonight and more cleaning tomorrow!  Friday, the event of the summer will finally have arrived: the homeschool curriculum fair.  I can't wait!  Hope your week is going well, dear friend.

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