Saturday, September 15, 2012

Red Heart Yarn and Nice Memories

These are not my photos--just  a couple of stock photos I found as I was looking online for a particular color of Red Heart yarn.  When I was in 4-H, our leader took us downtown to a yarn shop (many years ago--the shop has been gone a long time); there we were able to purchase a skein of yarn and a hook and start on our way to learning to crochet.  Despite the best intentions of our leader, I really couldn't move beyond the chain stitch. Then, in college, a roommate showed me how to make a granny square. To be honest, I don't know much beyond that to this day, but I sure do love making them and choosing all of the colors. I know my first yarn was Red Heart. It was a variegated blue, green and white. I couldn't find any pictures of it--this was about 1975 or 76, so my colors probably went out with the Bicentennial Minute.

The dear lady who served as our 4-H leader is one of the namesakes of our DD.  She was such a positive influence on my life (and remains so today). I am grateful for that sweet memory  she provided and for the sweet memories her namesake is building today.

A Note about yarn: I have been using a store brand from Hobby Lobby for some time and love it; however, it is made in a country that is currently hostile to us.  There is something to be said for moving to a domestic product--the next yarn I purchase will be from Red Heart (probably at Hobby Lobby). More thoughts on color coming soon.

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