Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Time Changer

This semester has been one of the busiest in my memory. I think part of the difference is having both boys at the College, each with their own schedules. Last night we had a very short window of time before everyone had to head back to the College for a function. We took the time to watch a movie we have had for about a month or so. I can't recommend Time Changer enough. It is available on Amazon, but we bought our copy at the Creation Museum. The point of the movie is that we live in a society where morals are neither ascribed to nor defined by Jesus Christ, and as such, are subject to questioning and change, and ultimately collapse and failure.

When we were at the Museum representing the College, I heard a lecture presented by Dr. Georgia Purdom. She argued that when discussing or arguing issues of morality, the Christian must stand on God's Word--That and That alone.  Science, logic and reason seem infallible, but they change with the times. God's Word never changes--

I wish I could present what she said more eloquently. But if you can't hear her speak or read her books. you CAN find this wonderful movie in which the same principle is presented in a thought-provoking drama.


  1. Thanks for sharing!!!!

    Yay you're back!

  2. Thanks, Becky! Yes, it is nice to have the time to sit and do this again!
