Saturday, April 27, 2013

It's Getting There!

Well, I am getting there with this thing! If I make six more squares, I will have another complete row, and I think I shall do so. I placed the squares more or less how I wanted them, and then sewed 1 row and 1/2 of another. I will do a couple of double crochet borders when everything is sewn together, and then DD will help me to make a scalloped border with which to finish it off. I would like to make a couple of pillows with the left over yarn.  Do you have a favorite square?  When you see the whole thing in person,yellow stands out as a dominate color, but this photo doesn't quite capture that.

Last night after a great supper at Moe's ("WELCOME TO MOOOOOOEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!")
with all the family, we kinda' went our separate ways. DS1 went to his weekly UNO festival with like-minded scholars; DS2 watched some of his favorite movies (he is feeling a little poorly with a bad head cold); DH curled up with Mamie and read; DD and I went back to school where I was able to spread all of these squares out on a long table. She worked on her new cross stitch project, and we watched Murder, She Wrote while we were working. A pretty good night for everyone.

Hope your weekend and the new week ahead are wonderful!


  1. Thanks, Becky. It sure has been a lot of fun.

  2. Beautiful! Miss Myrtle made one so much like this before she was married. There is more to that story. Miss Janice

  3. I want to hear! Do you still have the afghan?

  4. Mom and I both agree on the pink one as our favorite.

  5. Thank you. Tell Sheila I love the Yarnz Friendz she sent to me!
