Monday, March 25, 2013

Still Here!

I am still here, friends. We have just been so busy, and there seems to be no way to slow down the train!  We have another week off this week, but it is already parceled out in commitments and crises. That is really not a complaint. I can't imagine this week's obligations were we still all in school. I have missed posting on the blog and commenting on others. If I have neglected you--sorry. I am really no busier than anyone else, just not very good at time management. I have not spent the time with the Lord that I should either. I can see the attitude changes that come with that kind of neglect!

Today, I want to "Bless my home" as FlyLady suggests on Monday, cook a really nice sit-down supper for the family and spend some good time with the kids--even if it is really mostly school work. We are together most of the time, but I always worry that I don't spend time doing things with them that I should. 

I would like to say a special good morning to my friends BRM, Miss Janice and Miss Sheila. You each inspire me to be a better person.


  1. And a Good Morning to you! Miss Janice

  2. Good Morning to you.

    I am touched to read this. What a blessing!

    Praying you have a good week. Sam is out of school this week - and I am off Friday - but like you that one day is already parceled out.
